Wikipedia-diskusjon:Ambassade/Arkiv 1

Norwegian Heavy Water Sabotage


Dear Norwegian Wikipedians,

I have written an article on the English Wikipedia about en:Norwegian heavy water sabotage, the amazing efforts of the Norwegian resistance fighters who prevented Nazi Germany from obtaining supplies of "heavy water". It would be good if somebody could check the article for accuracy (I assume this topic is well documented on the Norwegian-language Wikipedia) and expand any points they think relevant; particularly if they could add biographies of the saboteurs. --User:Robert Merkel on the English Wikipedia

Aaah, wonderful! I was thinking just yesterday that it's a shame there's no article on this event, and that I should start a stub. This, however, is a full-grown article. Well done. :-)
I'm not very educated on the subject myself, but I'll cross-check it with some Norwegian written sources later (though on first sight, it seems flawless to me). Thanks.
Pladask 5. aug 2004 kl.15:06 (UTC)

Her en fransk oversettelse av den engelske velkomstteksten (en administrator må gjerne slette dette innlegget fra diskusjonen når oversettelsen implementeres): Bienvenue à l'ambassade de Wikipedia Norvégien! Vous êtes bienvenue de nous laisser tous vos informations ou questions concernant n'importe quels sujets directement ou indirectement lié au Wikipedia Norvégien, ici ou sur la page de discussion. Message à l'ambassade (LINKES).

Wikipedia har ellers en standardisert oversettelse vi kan bruke, men jeg (som er prosjektets eneste ambassadør hittil) kan ikke fransk. En melding på fransk betinges av at andre rimelig aktive brukere er villig til å ta på seg ansvaret for å besvare henvendelser på fransk. Wolfram 20. jan 2005 kl.16:38 (UTC)
Ok. Jeg forstod det slik at det ble rettet en forespørsel om ytterligere oversettelser av denne teksten, men det er mulig jeg misforstod. Når det er sagt: Hva om jeg legger til en setning som sier at vi for tiden ikke kan besvare franske henvendelser, og at franskspråklige derfor bes skrive engelsk?
Hvor fikk du det inntrykket? Jeg tror ellers ikke det er nødvendig med en slik tekst. Når meldingen står på engelsk og tysk vil alle forstå at hvertfall disse språkene vil bli forstått. Franskspråklige wikipedianere pleier også å bruke engelsk i internasjonale sammenhenger. Wolfram 21. jan 2005 kl.16:38 (UTC)
Innser at dette er litt sent, men selv synes jeg: Bienvenue à l'ambassade de Wikipedia norvégien! Si vous ne parlez pas le norvégien, vous pouvez nous laisser tous vos informations ou questions concernant n'importe quels sujets directement ou indirectement lié au Wikipedia norvégien, ici ou sur la page de discussion.

Message à l'ambassade V85 16. aug 2008 kl. 14:26 (CEST)

For my project INTERWIKI-LINK-CHECKER i use FlaBot to set interwikis. I made already a few links. Had no error and no negativ feedback. Greetings de:Benutzer:Flacus owner of Bruker:FlaBot

can somebody please respond to this request? see also m:Requests_for_bot_status#de:Benutzer:FlaBot thanks, oscar 14. des 2005 kl.16:06 (UTC)
Kein Problem, wir erlauben hier alle Bots. Gruß, Wolfram (Botschafter/Bürokrat) 14. des 2005 kl.16:25 (UTC)

Interwiki bot



I'd like to be able to add/correct interwiki links on your Wikipedia, using a bot. I already use such a bot on fr:, en:, de:, ja:, sv:, nl:, it:, es: and pl:. I need a "commununity approuval" to get a "bot flag", which would allow me to add interwiki links without flooding your RecentChanges (Siste endringer). Are you OK with that ? Thanks. ▪ Eskimo  11. des 2005 kl.10:50 (UTC)

Hi! We don't have an official policy on bots, but AFAIK, as long as the bot is just used for interwiki, it's usually "automatically accepted", as we all know how they work, and hate seeing bots in the RC. In other words, I don't think there would be any problems with giving your bot a bot flag. (But what is its name? Will it use yours?) Jon Harald Søby 11. des 2005 kl.12:05 (UTC)
Thanks ! The name of the bot is Eskimbot, I ask for the "bot flag" on meta: :). ▪ Eskimo  11. des 2005 kl.12:08 (UTC)
botbit now granted, see m:Requests_for_bot_status#no:Bruker:Eskimbot. oscar 14. des 2005 kl.16:01 (UTC)

Question from english reference desk


There is a question about the Norwegian Wikipedia at the English Reference desk. I'm not sure where the right place to discuss it is, but here is the link.--Commander Keane 28. jan 2006 kl.10:50 (UTC)

Translation Request (2 sentences)


For the front page of the Novial Test Wikipedia it would be nice to have a Norwegian translation of the following 2 sentences:


Welcome to the Wikipedia in the Novial language!

You can read about the international auxiliary language Novial here.


See the original request at Wikimedia Incubator here.

Thank you, Nov_ialiste

My take:
  1. Velkommen til Wikipedia på novial.
  2. Her kan du lese om det internasjonale hjelpespråket novial.

Arj 16. sep 2006 kl. 20:22 (UTC), redigert 16. sep 2006 kl. 20:29 (UTC)

Thanks very much. I have added it to the front page of the Novial Wikipedia (which is now a real Wikipedia, not just a test):



Some time ago I've read somewhere (I guess it was at a bot's discussion page) that the nordish based Wikipediae prefer an order where the nordish languages are in front of all others. Is that rule/request still valid? In case of yes, what's the prefered order? --32X 16. nov 2006 kl. 22:16 (CET) PS: {{willkommen}} is one of the most useful welcome messages I've seen so far.

At the moment, the only wikipedia to enforce this is the Nynorsk Wikipedia (with the order no-sv-da - others), though a number of editors from other projects (mainly no & da, though) have expressed that they like the idea and would welcome a function that would display this automatically. The argument against doing so has been that it would be more labour-intensive. That isn't necessarily the case anymore with all those bots running, but the current situation is that no, da and sv follow the alphabetical order (by name, not code letters). -- Olve 16. nov 2006 kl. 22:33 (CET)



Se ve muy trabajada esta enciclopedia, gran profundidad en los temas importantes y ausencia de contenido absurdo. ¡Felicidades, Noruega!--Speage 30. jun 2007 kl. 10:00 (CEST)

Muchas gracias, Speage.   Jon Harald Søby 1. jul 2007 kl. 00:39 (CEST)

Falsches Bild brachte mich hierher


Als ich bei Wikimedia Commons bei meinem Bild Hans.jpg "check usage" gemacht habe, fan ich das Bild in dem Artikel Fritz Haarmann mit der Unterschrift Hans Grans in der norwegischen und der italienischen Wikipedia. Inzwischen ist es in beiden WPs gelöscht. Seitdem bin ich Bruker:Hans555 geworden. Ich biete an, auf Deutsch Fragen zu Deutschland zu beantworten. Hans555 27. mai 2007 kl. 11:02 (CEST)

Nynorsk? Og templates


Hello I'm trying to find templates for U.S. cities and infoboxes to add more images to them but I cannot find the template page og hvordan sier "template" i Norsk, kan du hjelpe meg? Ogsa, NYNORSK? I've noticed a large difference between the nynorsk article and the bokmal (.no) article and this troubles me. Which is the one outsiders should focus on improving? Both? I have no idea how to write in nynorsk though I can read it very well. It looks the same but g=k and d=t. I would very much prefer the articles I work on to be very similar on both pages but honestly, do Norwegians use bokmal or nynorsk versions more?

Try this one: Wikipedia:Maler/Verden_og_geografi, Mal:Amerikanske_delstater (same as en:Template:USPoliticalDivisions) and Kategori:Amerikanske_maler (same as en:Category:United_States_state_templates). nsaa 29. sep 2007 kl. 09:15 (CEST)
The template used for US cities (and a lot of cities from other countries) is {{Infoboks geografi2}}, see Spesial:Lenker_hit/Mal:Infoboks_geografi2 and look for american cities. You could also look on {{Infoboks by USA}} (witch is redirected to Infoboks geografi2}} Mvh Røed (d · en) 29. sep 2007 kl. 15:00 (CEST)

Translation needed


Hello. Would someone speaks both Norwegian and English translate this page into Norwegian on this page? If you have any questions, please leave me a note on my talk page. Thanks, Monobi 14. jan 2008 kl. 23:40 (CET)

If no one else volunteers, I'll do it tomorrow. Cnyborg 15. jan 2008 kl. 00:20 (CET)

Lemma beginning with space?


Hi, the lemma of no: mmHg begins with a space, and no:MmHg redirects to it. This leads to an edit war of several bots in de:Torr, changing the interwiki link forth and back. Is such white space allowed? Ulm 23. sep 2008 kl. 20:10 (CEST)

Hi, I moved the article to the latter; and deleted the old title. The next bot will pick up the correct title. — Jóna Þórunn 23. sep 2008 kl. 20:15 (CEST)

Boîte Utilisateur interwiki


Bonjour je fais parti du projet de boîte utilisateur et j'ai réalisé une boîte avec l'aide d'un traducteur ; w:fr:Modèle:Utilisateur Wikino pour ceux qui ont une page personnelle sur la Wikipédia francophone. Amicalement. w:fr:User:FrankyLeRoutier FrankyLeRoutier 27. feb 2009 kl. 05:29 (CET)



Hello to evreybody,

I need a little help by translation. Can you please translate the next text into your language and put it here?:

Text (original - Serbian cyrillic):

  • Уколико желите да пронађете кориснике који причају дијалект букмол норвешког, претражите Категорија:Корисник no. За остале језике, проверите Категорија:Језичке кутијице.
  • Уколико сте регистрован корисник на Српској Википедији а не разумете српски, молимо вас додајте {{user sr-0}} на вашу корисничку страницу. Ова порука гласи - на српском - да не разумете српски језик, тако да ће остали корисници бити обавештени о томе.

Text (original - Serbian latin):

  • Ukoliko želite da pronađete korisnike koji pričaju dijalekt bukmol norveškog, pretražite Категорија:Корисник no. Za ostale jezike, proverite Категорија:Језичке кутијице.
  • Ukoliko ste registrovan korisnik na Srpskoj Vikipediji, a ne razumete srpski, molimo vas dodajte {{user sr-0}} na vašu korisničku stranicu. Ova poruka glasi - na srpskom - da ne razumete srpski jezik, tako da će ostali korisnici biti obavešteni o tome.

Text (version on English):

Thanks and regards,

--FriedrickMILBarbarossatalk • 18. okt 2009 kl. 21:49 (CEST)

Translated. And, Bokmål is referred to as a language, not a dialect. :) -PeterFisk 18. okt 2009 kl. 22:48 (CEST)

PS. Sorry if I made mistake by naming of "Bokmål" as dialect.

And what is with this page? Its redirected, but there are some unreaded comments. I think that those comments should be transfered on this page and then the page "Wikipedia-diskusjon:Ambassaden" should be deleted. --FriedrickMILBarbarossatalk • 18. okt 2009 kl. 22:40 (CEST)

Page move needed


I corrected the spelling within Williamette University, but the article needs to be moved to Willamette University as there is not a second "I". Danke (don't know if that works for Norwegian, but Duetch and Norwegian are related).

Done. Thanks is «Takk» in Norwegian. KEN 17. feb 2010 kl. 11:17 (CET)

Hi, I am Alex Asp from London UK, and I have received a message from WikiAdmin in Norvegian, which I unfortunately cannot understand. Would someone please translate to me what it is about? The message follows:


Wikipedia-siden Brukerdiskusjon:Aspalex har blitt opprettet 28. mar 2010 av CartoonistHenning, se for den nåværende versjonen.

Dette er en ny side.

Redigeringssammendrag: Ny side:

Hei, Ambassade/Arkiv 1, og velkommen til Wikipediabokmål og riksmål. Her er noen lenker du kan få bruk for:


Vi håper du vil like ditt opphold på Wikipedia. Ikke vær redd for å gjøre noe feil, det blir sannsynligvis rettet opp raskt.


English: If you do not understand or you cannot write in Norwegian, and you want to tell us something, please, visit the Embassy.
Deutsch: Wenn Sie Norwegisch nicht verstehen oder nicht schreiben können und Sie bei uns mitreden möchten, dann besuchen Sie bitte die Botschaft.
Español: Si no comprende o no sabe escribir en noruego y desea comunicarse con nosotros, por favor, acuda a la Embajada.

Aspalex 29. mar 2010 kl. 10:09 (CEST)

Kontakt brukeren: e-post wiki

Det vil ikke komme flere påminnelser om endringer på denne siden med mindre du besøker den. Du kan også fjerne påminnelsesflagg for alle sider i overvåkningslisten din.

Med vennlig hilsen, Wikipedias påminnelsessystem

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Tilbakemeldinger og videre assistanse:

Article request


en:Braathens SAFE Flight 139 is a "good article" on the English Wikipedia. Perhaps a bokmal translation could be made of the article. WhisperToMe 12. sep 2010 kl. 17:54 (CEST)

Das Lemma war falsch, Benedetto Lomenelli sollte gelöscht werden. Nachweise auf der Diskussionsseite, Bibliographie und Weblinks scheinen hier nicht üblich zu sein, jedenfalls habe ich bei einer kurzen Suche kein Beispiel gefunden, an dem ich mich hätte orientieren können. Gruß --Enzian44 22. okt 2010 kl. 23:31 (CEST)

Article requests


Where do I post article requests?

I think en:SS Storstad should have an article in Norwegian.

Thanks, WhisperToMe 28. okt 2010 kl. 02:31 (CEST)

DS «Storstad» KEN 28. okt 2010 kl. 16:32 (CEST)
Thank you very much! WhisperToMe 16. des 2010 kl. 20:38 (CET)

As stated above, en:Braathens SAFE Flight 139 still needs an article in Norwegian. WhisperToMe 16. des 2010 kl. 20:38 (CET)

Photo request


Hi! For those of you in Bodø, I have a photo request:

  • Widerøe headquarters - Langstranda 6 P.O Box 247 8001 Bodø Norway

Thank you, WhisperToMe 3. feb 2011 kl. 00:24 (CET)

Article request


Hi! Would anyone mind starting an article on KLM cityhopper? It's a Dutch regional airline Also an article on Lupo Alberto (en:Lupo Alberto) would be nice Thanks, WhisperToMe 14. feb 2011 kl. 19:20 (CET)

Foundation Images Policy


Hi everyone,
I am Yosri from Malay Wikipedia. Recently I was informed by certain parties that MS Wiki need to delete any images tagged as Non-Commercial under Foundation Licensing policy. After I have done some studies, I realised that Wikipedia Foundations is moving towards allowing commercialises all images, as such they are acting on behalf of commercial company to require all images loaded with tagging Non-Commercial in all Wiki Project to be removed, including those loaded in local Wiki. You are only allowed to licenses your images under "free content", which specifically allows commercial reuse, example GDLF 1.2. Certain images is exempted under a very narrow EDP ("exemption doctrine policy") definition. If you all already aware about this, please ignore this comment. Otherwise, for more details please visit Yosri 2. mar 2011 kl. 06:10 (CET)

This is ooold news, it has been this way for years already. Jon Harald Søby 2. mar 2011 kl. 06:37 (CET)

Own subpages that can be deleted


Can an admin delete some of my own subpages? (See this list) I need this pages no longer. Thanks
Kann ein Admin einige meiner Unterseiten löschen? (siehe diese Liste) Ich benötige diese Seiten nicht länger. Danke --Labant 9. apr 2011 kl. 17:12 (CEST)

Should be gone now. ZorroIII 9. apr 2011 kl. 17:24 (CEST)
You can also use the templates {{hs}} or {{delete}} for this. - Soulkeeper 9. apr 2011 kl. 17:55 (CEST)
I know, but that was over 40 sites, and I do not know a tempelate for css-files --Labant --Labant 9. apr 2011 kl. 18:24 (CEST)



An award from Ukrainian chapter to celebrate 300 000. -- 7. mai 2011 kl. 07:54 (CEST)

Thank you! :-) Jon Harald Søby 13. mai 2011 kl. 08:00 (CEST)

Article request


Hello, I request a translation of the following articles then tell them:

In advance, thanks.

--Víctor Alexis Cantillano Oviedo 23. mai 2011 kl. 22:15 (CEST)

Question about category's name


Is the category Kategori:Kategorier navngitt etter språk equal the Kategori:Kategorier etter språk category (similar as the en:Category:Categories by language? If no, please create a new category - Kategori:Kategorier etter språk. --Averaver 6. aug 2011 kl. 16:30 (CEST)

Article request - Norwegian Consulate General, Houston


Hi! Would anyone mind making an article on the en:Norwegian Consulate General, Houston? Thank you WhisperToMe 1. des 2011 kl. 17:07 (CET)

Franz Josef Weern was deleted as a hoax on the English Wikipedia in 2005 (en:Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Franz_Josef_Weern) but the article here has existed since 2007. The Swedes are also affected: sv:Franz Josef Weern. Fences and windows 23. feb 2012 kl. 04:53 (CET)

I find him in other sources, such as Store norske leksikon. Are you sure this is a hoax? Haakon K 23. feb 2012 kl. 05:48 (CET)
Hmm, looks like a majority of the other sources are wikipedia derivates (amazon books based on wikipedia for example). This is the only independent source I found, and it looks like complete hogwash. And there is a reference to him on ikkepedia, which is never a good sign. Profoss (diskusjon) 23. feb 2012 kl. 06:00 (CET)
I've nominated it for deletion, let's see if someone finds him in other sources. Haakon K 23. feb 2012 kl. 06:31 (CET)
It has now been deleted, and it seems like SNL also have desided to do the same.--J. P. Fagerback 25. feb 2012 kl. 22:12 (CET)

Translation help request


The Wikimedia Foundation is preparing to launch a survey that it hopes will be helpful in discussing the future of how projects are funded on Wikipedia and sister sites. (More information about this can be read at meta:Fundraising and Funds Dissemination/Resource list and meta:Fundraising and Funds Dissemination/Recommendations, but you don't need to read it to help out here. :)) We would like input from as many people as possible, but the survey translations are not yet completed in many languages, including yours. The English version of the survey is at meta:Survey of how money should be spent/Questions/en. The Bokmål version, currently 24% complete, is at meta:Survey of how money should be spent/Questions/no. If you can help, you would be very welcome!

Translations are done using the "translation tool". If you go to this special page, all you have to do is select your language from the pull-down menu, alphabetical by language code, and click "fetch". It will bring up a table. You can easily see what has been translated and what has not, because untranslated sections are green. Click on the blue text in the left column next to content that has not been translated to open up an editing box. Above the box, the English version is shown, and you can simply enter in your language translation beneath it.

The survey is pretty short, so I hope we can get it completed in time to send it to editors in their own languages. Thanks for any help you can offer! And, again, I'm very sorry for the English. --Mdennis (WMF) (diskusjon) 5. mar 2012 kl. 17:47 (CET)


Domesday Book
Please translate the text below into the language of your wiki

Vi vil gjerne invitere deg til å bidra til GibraltarpediA-prosjektet, verdens første Wikipedia-by. Prosjektet trenger skribenter, fotografer, oversettere og andre til å hjelpe med å bygge den første wiki-byen som forbinder Europa og Afrika. Vi kommer til å forvandle Gibraltar og omkringliggende områder i Marokko og Spania til områder som er rikholdig med encyklopedisk innhold, umiddelbart tilgjengelig med QR-koder og NFC på plaketter for besøkende og lokale mennesker.

Det er premier for å belønne bidragsytere i Gibraltarpedia Multilingual challenge, for de beste skribentene, fotografene og kartografene... hvem enn du er. Mer på

Domesday Book

--Palinodial (diskusjon) 30. aug 2012 kl. 13:23 (CEST)

Photos of Cheb relief intarsia


Hi everybody, I'm writing about very unique technique called Cheb (Eger) relief intarsia. I'm also collecting photos of and informations about all items with this technique. This technique was very popular in Sweden, and I found some items near to Stockholm. But I'm from Czech republic and this is too far for me. Is here somebody from Stockholm able to take a photos of them? I'm sorry for writing here, but not much people read request page at Commons. Items are at Hallwylska museet, Skoklosters slott and Ulriksdals castle. In Ulriksdals are many items (kabinets, desks, trik-trak games, etc), but I don't know accession numbers. It is propably needed to ask somebody from there. Thank you. Member of Wikimedia Czech Republic, Dominikmatus (diskusjon) 16. feb 2013 kl. 00:30 (CET)

The 100 best crime novels of all time


Hi. I have been compiling a Norwegian version of a British list of detektivfortellingen.
Can you suggest a good Norwegian title for the page?
In other words, how do I say "The 100 best crime novels of all time" in Bokmål?
Thank you, Varlaam (diskusjon) 17. aug 2013 kl. 03:36 (CEST)

"Tidenes 100 beste kriminalromaner" is one way of saying it. - Soulkeeper (diskusjon) 19. aug 2013 kl. 08:11 (CEST)
That is perfect for right now. Thank you.
I have been talking to the Swedes too, right here:
sv:Wikipediadiskussion:Ambassaden#The 100 best crime novels of all time
There are some other issues about the list.
In Toronto, Varlaam (diskusjon) 19. aug 2013 kl. 18:02 (CEST)
That page, Tidenes 100 beste kriminalromaner, is now set up.
Thanks very much again, Varlaam (diskusjon) 20. aug 2013 kl. 06:54 (CEST)

Naim Araidi


Hello! I suggest to add to the article an update (see here and also here). 26. feb. 2014 kl. 15:33 (CET)

That would probably not be in line with our policy. - 4ing (diskusjon) 26. feb. 2014 kl. 15:54 (CET)

Ten years of Wikipedia in Asturian language


Excuse me for not speaking Norwegian yet.

Oviedo, September 8, 2014

Asturian is alive and in use.

Next September 12 and 13, the Asturian Wikipedia community of users will celebrate with the support of Wikimedia España Chapter the tenth anniversary of Uiquipedia, the free encyclopedia in Asturian. The events will take place in Auditorio Príncipe Felipe (Plaza La Gesta, Oviedo).

The first article in Asturian was «Zazaki», a minority language spoken in Turkey. That first edit was in July 26, 2004. Ten years later, more than 800 000 edits have been made on almost 20 000 articles, and numbers are growing every day with the work of tens of volunteers. And it doesn’t stop there: other Wikimedia projects in Asturian have developed, such as Wikicionary, Wikisource and Wikiquote. Managed by Wikimedia Foundation, all of them make part of a global movement that started in 2001 when Wikipedia started with the goal of delivering freely all human knowledge.

To commemorate this date, Uiquipedia and Wikimedia España are carrying out two days of celebration events so that the projects in Asturian are better known. Literature, poetry music and traditions in Asturian will be present. It’s free and everybody is welcome. In addition, Wikimedia España will have its annual General Assembly in Oviedo.

See here the schedule of activities.

B25es (diskusjon) 8. sep. 2014 kl. 19:46 (CEST)

Page move


It seems that I no longer have user rights to rename pages in order to correct their titles. Is this happening only with me, or has the nowiki's policy on page move been changed recently? Thanks, Capmo (diskusjon) 18. nov. 2014 kl. 05:11 (CET)

Knock, knock, knock! Anybody there? Where are the admins of this wiki? Capmo (diskusjon) 19. nov. 2014 kl. 04:47 (CET)
Limits for autoconfirmed users are increased at nowiki to 7 days and 20 contributions. With 30 entries you should be above the limit. 19. nov. 2014 kl. 06:38 (CET)
Yes, like the IP says you should be able to move pages. Which page are you trying to move? To where? --Chameleon (diskusjon) 19. nov. 2014 kl. 10:01 (CET)
Capmo, it seems like you have only 17 edits excluding page moves, so you need three more to become autoconfirmed with the new rules. Until then, feel free to place {{Flytt|New page title|Reason for move}} at the top of a page to request a move. – Danmichaelo (δ) 19. nov. 2014 kl. 21:58 (CET)

Thanks to everyone who replied! So, there was indeed a policy change, that's fine. I was just worried that it might be something related to my account only. The page move I intend to do (Ourém) is not so urgent, I can wait until I reach the new limits to become an autoconfirmed user again. But it would be nice if a thing such as a "globally autoconfirmed user" existed for people with an edit profile similar to mine. Best, Capmo (diskusjon) 20. nov. 2014 kl. 07:30 (CET)

Asking User "Benjamin" in no if he is willing to rename his account


Dear Sir,

I'm the user "Benjamin" on some foreign wikipedia projects (in commons and fr.wikibooks)

I see that the user "Benjamin" here in is the one having the more edits, but he is not active since 2008 ( )

Could you please ask him (eg in his user page using a language he read) if he would be willing to change his username to something else, so that I can obtain the global username Benjamin on Wikipedia?

Thanks for your help on this topic,

Best regards,

Benjamin S.

You should probably try to send him an e-mail in English. Since he has been inactive for 7,5 years, there is probably no other way to get in touch with him.
rgds, --Apple farmer (diskusjon) 17. mar. 2015 kl. 10:09 (CET)

Hi, I just sent him an email, thanks for the advice, BenjaminSonntagFR (diskusjon)

Quick translation request


Hello, could somebody please translate this edit into Norwegian? Thanks! Graham87 (diskusjon) 7. jun. 2015 kl. 14:15 (CEST)

No problem, done it here.--Telaneo (diskusjon) 7. jun. 2015 kl. 14:40 (CEST)

Translation help for norwegian newspaper article needed


I need help to translate an article in norwegian language from a newspaper. If someone is willing to help me, please leave a message at en:User_talk:CdaMVvWgS. Thank you very much for any assistance! -- CdaMVvWgS 27. mar. 2005 kl. 23:48 (CET)

Wikipedia articles translation



I would like to inform that the site allow to quickly translate interwikis. Dom 22. mar. 2007 kl. 07:17 (CET)

Monuments of Spain Challenge


Excuse me for not speaking Bokmål yet.

Wikimedia España invites you to join the Monuments of Spain Challenge. And what’s that? It’s a contest. You have to edit, translate or expand articles about the Spanish monuments and you will be granted points. So you’re not just writing about wonderful buildings: you can get prizes!

The time of the contest will include all October and any information you may need is right here.

Join in and good luck!

PS: We would be grateful if you could translate this note into Bokmål.

B25es on behalf of Wikimedia España.

B25es (diskusjon) 28. sep. 2014 kl. 07:34 (CEST)

Translation into Norwegian


Hi! İ want to have my userpage and my profile translated in different languages, the maximum of languages possible, and one of them is Norwegian‬. So can you translate these three sentences into Norwegian, please?

 Hello, İ’m Josep Maria Roca Peña and İ’m 20 years old.

İ’m from Barcelona, Catalonia, so İ’m Catalan and İ hope for an independent Catalonia. İ also speak Spanish and Portuguese too, because İ have been in Portugal for a while. İ especially like these three series: Star Trek, Code Lyoko and Winx Club, and İ have wikis of these series in several languages.

İf you want İ do a translation or correction in  ,  ,  ,  ,   or  , leave me a message with your request and İ’ll do it, only you have to write a message in my Message Wall.

İ speak these languages: 

Please, make the most accurate translation possible. Note that at the end of the second paragraph, İ’m talking about my wikis on Wikia which İ have in several languages.

Thanks! --Josep Maria Roca Peña (diskusjon) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:20 (CEST)

Since no one else has done it so far, I'll see what i can do.

 Hallo, Jeg er Josep Maria Roca Peña og jeg er 20 år gammel.

Jeg er fra Barcelona i Catalonia, så jeg er katalansk og håper en dag at Catalonia skal bli uavhengig. Jeg snakker også spansk og portugisisk, fordi jeg har vært i Portugal en del. Jeg liker disse tre TV-seriene: Star Trek, Code Lyoko og Winx Club, og jeg har laget artikler om disse på flere språk.

Hvis du vil ha en oversetting eller retting på et av disse språkene:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , så legg igjen en melding på min diskusjonsside, så skal jeg ordne det for deg.

Jeg kan snakke disse språkene: 

-- Telaneo (Diskusjonside) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:26 (CEST)
I think a little change would probably sound better in norwegian. Here, I've just edited @Telaneo:'s text:

 Hallo, Jeg heter Josep Maria Roca Peña og jeg er 20 år gammel.

Jeg er fra Barcelona i Catalonia, så jeg er katalansk og håper en dag at Catalonia skal bli uavhengig. Jeg snakker også spansk og portugisisk, fordi jeg har vært en del i Portugal. Jeg liker disse tre TV-seriene: Star Trek, Code Lyoko og Winx Club, og jeg har laget artikler om disse på flere språk.

Hvis du vil ha en oversettelse eller rettelse på ett av disse språkene:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , så legg igjen en melding på min diskusjonsside, så skal jeg ordne det for deg.

Jeg snakker disse språkene: 

--Tarjeimo (diskusjon) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:38 (CEST)
Signing this, go with this one.-- Telaneo (Diskusjonside) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:40 (CEST)
Thanks a lot! --Josep Maria Roca Peña (diskusjon) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:42 (CEST)
No problem! Have a good day! --Tarjeimo (diskusjon) 19. aug. 2015 kl. 23:48 (CEST)

Page merge


Hi, can somebody here at nowiki merge Valentina Nazarova and Valentina Meredova? I'd be happy to do it myself, but unfortunately my Norwegian is far too limited for the technical aspects of a merge (like page history attribution). The article duplication here at nowiki is preventing me from merging the two entries (d:Q3377881 and d:Q20900328) at Wikidata; I suppose I could work around it, but it seemed better to report the problem here so it can be fixed properly. Thanks in advance for your help. Sideways713 (diskusjon) 27. nov. 2015 kl. 00:25 (CET)

Hello! Which of these articles has the correct name? Merging them should not be a problem, but I'll need to get an admin to delete the "wrong" page. --Tarjeimo (diskusjon) 27. nov. 2015 kl. 00:29 (CET)
Both names are correct; I'm not familiar with the article naming guidelines used by nowiki, so I don't know which name fits those guidelines better. Meredova is her current name, so my instinct would be to merge into that, but she was formerly known as Nazarova and (at this point - it could change in the future) most (though not all) of her international appearances date back to when she was Nazarova. Sideways713 (diskusjon) 27. nov. 2015 kl. 00:45 (CET)
I have now merged the pages to Valentina Meredova, and marked Valentina Nazarova for speedy deletion. --Tarjeimo (diskusjon) 27. nov. 2015 kl. 01:07 (CET)

Mal:Demninger i Waikato


hello, I've created the template Mal:Demninger i Waikato. can somebody please check, if Demninger i Waikato is correkt Norsk bokmål. cheers --Agentjoerg (diskusjon) 12. mai 2016 kl. 08:19 (CEST)

It's correct.--Telaneo (Diskusjonsside) 12. mai 2016 kl. 08:20 (CEST)

lang code in API



Is there any reason that the language code is set to 'nb' instead of 'no' in the API?

Louperivois (diskusjon) 10. des. 2016 kl. 05:06 (CET)

Yes. Language and history. Originally this was for all Norwegian languages, but nn split off into what is now its own successful wiki and for reasons to complicated to explain here this kept the url even though the language changed to nb. Haros (diskusjon) 10. des. 2016 kl. 10:01 (CET)

please rename A. Laurent to Joseph Jean Pierre Laurent


The name was formerly given as "A. Laurent" because the Minor Planet Center lists discoverers of asteroids by their last names and initials. In his case, his first name was formerly unknown, so the Minor Planet Center used "A." as a placeholder. However, his first name is now known and the Minor Planet Center now lists his name as "J. J. P. Laurent". Since Wikipedia uses full names of persons, his article should be renamed to Joseph Jean Pierre Laurent. See also the English Wikipedia article about him. -- P.T. Aufrette (diskusjon) 12. mar. 2017 kl. 08:57 (CET)

Done.Telaneo (Diskusjonsside) 12. mar. 2017 kl. 13:00 (CET)

Álvaro Obregón-demningen


Hei, I wanted to give you a message regarding this article as in German Wikipedia we concluded that the data of those record lists that were referenced before are not correct. There is no two-hundred and something meter high megadam called Álvaro Obregón in Guanajuato, Mexico. Man77 (diskusjon) 14. mar. 2017 kl. 17:39 (CET)

Eliteserien i håndball for kvinner


Hei ! Sorry for speaking english around here, but my bokmål is very poor. I'm trying to update the list of the winners of the norwegian women's handball championship but I found very few sources with contradictory results. So far, this source and this source doesn't match the content of the norwegian article. I tried to find something official on the website of the norwegian federation, unsuccessfully so far, probably due to my lack of norwegian reading. I suppose there may be a mess between the winner of the regular season and the winner of the pay-off round. Has anyone a link to a reliable source about this subject ? Takk for hjelpen ! Linan (diskusjon) 26. jun. 2017 kl. 13:12 (CEST)

WikiScienceCompetition 2017


Hi! Wiki Science Competition has started, sitenotices have appeared for sure in Spain, Austria, Russian Federation, USA and Ukraine, and Italy will be join very soon with a massive national campaign.

As a member of the academic committee I did my best to reduce the gap between countries both in the composition of the juries and now in the outreach. I did inform many platforms (enwiki, eswiki, frwiki) during the preparation of the event, now I am informing all national institutions, associations and federations of science and technology I can contact, especially those located in countries without national juries (including Norway), I am posting notes on LinkedIn groups everyday, and I am contacting national chapters and user groups.. and so on. That's why I am here.

We prepared banners for many countries but on meta they say it is not wise to use them all, so if you want to use the style and do one here on your wiki for few days, just let us know. In your case the banner is not country-specific so it is generic.

Otherwise, if you have social media and you want to inform your friends and colleagues, the twitter hashtags are #WSC2017, #WikiScience2017, #WikiScience

Thank you in advance and whatever you do (join, inform, ignore) have fun!--Alexmar983 (diskusjon) 4. nov. 2017 kl. 07:57 (CET)

In the meantime, I have sent massive email everywhere, but it won't change a lot.--Alexmar983 (diskusjon) 9. nov. 2017 kl. 05:37 (CET)

An edit reverted


Why was my edit reverted at Elisabeth av Bayern (belgisk dronning)? I added a link to an authorized source about her. Ehud Amir (diskusjon) 20. jun. 2018 kl. 12:40 (CEST)

Because I couldn't find any mention of her in the link you provided. I did make a mistake in my edit to Havemann, though. That one I have corrected. Asav (diskusjon) 20. jun. 2018 kl. 12:54 (CEST)
My link was wrong. I corrected my mistake. Thank you for observing! Ehud Amir (diskusjon) 21. jun. 2018 kl. 08:05 (CEST)

Help with a project


I am initiating ​​a project to record the name of my language in all the languages ​​present in Wikipedia. First, I encourage you to create / improve the article on the Asturian language and, on the other hand, to help me in my project I would need a man and a woman to record how it is said in your language: Asturian and then upload it to Commons. Thanks in advance. - Vsuarezp (diskusjon) 15. nov. 2018 kl. 23:26 (CET)

Wikimedia Sustainability Initiative


Hi all. Please help us to translate Sustainability Initiative on meta in your language and add your name to the list of supporters to show your commitment to environment protection. Let's spread the word! Kind regards, --Daniele Pugliesi (diskusjon) 28. nov. 2018 kl. 17:41 (CET)

Albanians in Norway


There is an article in the English Wikipedia, en:Albanians in Norway, that might be worth translating and adding to this wiki. I have also posted this message on Eastmain (diskusjon) 8. feb. 2019 kl. 22:42 (CET)

Thita Rangsitpol Manitkul


Hello. I'm writing with respect to the captioned matter. I'm expressing concern that this article may not establish sufficient notability, or if it may, it may not have a reliable source to back it up. It merely listed the education background but otherwise failed to describe further how the subject warrants the page in Wikipedia. I believed it should be checked for quality issues. --G(x) (diskusjon) 25. jun. 2019 kl. 07:17 (CEST)

You may very well be right. I edited the article for style and grammar some time ago, and suspected that there might be a lack of notability. But it's such a minor matter, I decided to leave it alone. Asav (diskusjon) 25. jun. 2019 kl. 07:32 (CEST)
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