John Pilkington

britisk skipsreder

John Pilkington var en britisk skipsreder basert i Liverpool. Han er kjent for å ha grunnlagt White Star Line i 1845 i Liverpool sammen med sin partner Henry Wilson.

John Pilkington
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John Pilkington var sønn av Christopher Pilkington, som sammen med fem andre menn hadde etablert Pilkington Glass Company i St. Helens i 1826.[1][2][3][4]

White Star Line


Pilkington spilte en viktig rolle i White Star Line (selskap mest kjent for RMS Titanic) både under grunnleggelsen og den tidlige driften av selskapet. Hans ansvar minket derimot litt over tid, og etter noen uenigheter med Wilson over størrelsene på skipene i selskapet, forlot deretter Pilkington selskapet i 1856. Pilkington ble da med i selskapet til familien, Pilkington Glass Company. Det er ukjent om det var familiens selskap eller uenighetene med partner Wilson som var den fremragende grunnen til hans avskjed med White Star Line.


  1. ^ Castlehead (8. oktober 2014). «Original White Star Disaster». Joseph Bell, Chief Engineer on the R.M.S. Titanic (engelsk). Besøkt 22. juni 2023. «John Pilkington, son of the Pilkington Glass Company’s founder Christopher Pilkington, established the White Star Line in 1845. The company originally operated packet sailings to the East Coast of the USA and started using the White Star name in 1849.» 
  2. ^ «Pilkington Glass». Besøkt 22. juni 2023. «The Pilkington Glass company was founded in 1826. It was then known as the St Helens Crown Glass Company founded with the technical knowledge of John William Bell and funded by three local families, the Bromilows, the Greenalls and the Pilkingtons.» 
  3. ^ «The Story of Pilkington UK». Besøkt 22. juni 2023. «The company was founded by John William Bell and five other local men in 1826 under the name St. Helens Crown Glass Company. (---) The company was established with the technical knowledge and ability of J. W. Bell plus capital from three of the most influential local families: the Bromilows, the Greenalls and the Pilkingtons. In 1827 production started at Grove Street, St. Helens. The former Pilkington UK Headquarters can still be seen at this location.» 
  4. ^ «RMS Tayleur [Part One]» (engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 22. juni 2023. Besøkt 22. juni 2023. «In 1845 John Pilkington, son of glassworks founder Christopher Pilkington, established the Aberdeen White Stat Line. By 1849 the Aberdeen had been dropped and the company traded as the White Star Line. (---) John Pilkington and Henry Wilson, who established the White Star Line, chartered nine ships, the largest of which was RMS Tayleur, launched at Warrington on October 4th 1853.» 