Diskusjon:Herman Sachnowitz

Siste kommentar: for 1 år siden av i emnet Frank Sachnowitz

Frank Sachnowitz


I seksjonen Familie står det "Frank Sachnowitz (født 1925) døde en gang etter august 1943 trolig i nærheten av Hamburg" med referanser fra 1951 og 1976/1979.

Die Namen der Nummern - In Memoriam of 86 Jewish People who Fell Victim to the Nazi Scientists - A Project of Hans-Joachim Lang - 86 Biographies inneholder mer og nyere informasjon om Frank Sachnowitz skjebne og død:

The camp SS had the number 79238 tattooed on Frank’s left arm.  In the satellite camp Auschwitz-Monowitz, Frank was made to slave away in the Buna Factory until well past the point of complete physical and mental exhaustion.  On May 6, 1943, he was transferred back to the main camp and placed in the prisoners’ infirmary.  One of prisoners who had had access to the camp registry informed Hermann that his brother Frank had been deported to the Natzweiler Concentration Camp in the Alsace.  What had happened to him then would remain a life-long mystery for Hermann.  He never lived to discover what happened to his brother Frank.  He never learned that his brother had been selected in the main camp by the two SS anthropologists, Bruno Beger and Hans Fleichhacker.  He never learned that Frank, along with 85 other Jewish men and women, had been murdered in gas chamber of the Natzweiler-Struthof Concentration Camp (i Alsace, ca. 50 km sørvest for Strasbourg som ikke er "i nærheten av Hamburg").  Frank’s date of death was on the 18th of August 1943.  He was 18 years old.

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