
Dette er en e-post om språksituasjonen i det norske wikipediamiljøet som skal postes til Wikipedia-l. Rediger gjerne, og alle, både administratorer og andre brukere, inviteres til å skrive under. BjarteSorensen sender mailen av gårde tidlig mandag ettermiddag sent mandag kveld (25. april) norsk tid. (Da er den sendt! :) Mandag 25. april, 23:50 norsk tid. Bjarte 25. apr 2005 kl.21:52 (UTC))

Dear all,

Most of you would be aware of some of the discussions that have occurred 
around Wikipedia in the Norwegian languages. Since the last round of 
discussions on this list, there has been a lot of internal debate, as 
well as what seems to be a fairly widely accepted agreement following 

This e-mail intends to, after a brief recap on Norwegian language and 
wikipedia issues, take those interested through the latest development 
and will stake out the road ahead. It is also intended to inform the 
international community about the current agreement on no.wikipedia, so 
as to prevent misunderstandings in the future.

Finally, we will mention an unfortunate reaction to the vote by a small 
number of users at the Norwegian Bokmål/Riksmål (no:) wikipedia who want 
to disregard the result of the voting and are planning to create a 
_third_ Norwegian wikipedia with the sole mission of mixing the contents 
of the two current Norwegian versions.

== A short language history of Norway ==

Spoken Norwegian ("norsk") (ISO 639-2 alpha-2 code "no") is in a fairly 
unique situation compared to most other languages of the world in that 
it has two widely accepted written standards, Bokmål (ISO 639-2 alpha-2 
code "nb") and Nynorsk (ISO 639-2 alpha-2 code "nn"). By national 
legislation they are both regarded as official written forms of 
Norwegian. In addition, many people still make a distinction between 
Bokmål and its precursor which still is in use, Riksmål.

Briefly speaking, Bokmål and Riksmål are descendants of the Danish 
written language. Until the 1800s, Danish was the only widely used 
written language in Norway as a result of four centuries of union with 
Denmark. With increasing independence came a wish to norwegianise the 
Danish standard, with Knud Knudsen at the forefront for changing parts 
of the vocabulary and orthographics. Thus, Riksmål, and later Bokmål, 
resulted. These forms together are today probably used by about 90% of 
Norway's population, or somewhere around 3,500,000 people.

Parallel to this development, a new written standard was created by Ivar 
Aasen. He travelled extensively throughout Norway, and based his new 
language, landsmål, on the grammar and vocabulary of dialect samples 
from around the country. This was later renamed Nynorsk. Modern Nynorsk 
differs significantly from modern Bokmål, and may be linguistically 
looked upon as as different (or as similar if you like) as Swedish is to 
Danish. For English or Dutch/German speakers, the differences may be 
likened to those between (Lowland) Scots and English or Low German and 
Dutch. Today it is estimated that about 500,000-600,000 people have 
Nynorsk as their first written language.

More information about the Norwegian language history can be found in 
English, German, French, Spanish or Portuguese on the website of the 
Norwegian Language Council:

== A short history of Wikipedia in Norwegian ==

The first Norwegian wikipedia started 26 November 2001 on the subdomain As most wikipedias, its contributor and article count 
started really picking up around the end of 2003. At the time, it 
accepted all written standards of Norwegian, although the amount of 
Nynorsk was minimal. There were already several debates about the 
feasibilty and appropriateness of keeping the two languages united on 
one Wikipedia. On 31 July 2004 a Wikipedia for Nynorsk was created.

The creation of nn:, however, split the community at no: wikipedia. Many 
felt that given that Nynorsk now had its own wikipedia, no: should 
become a Bokmål/Riksmål Wikipedia only. Others disapproved and claimed 
that there was no need to change and that it should continue its 
language policy of accepting all and keep its interwiki link name of 

Nynorsk Wikipedia soon proved a success, as it within the next few 
months gathered several people who had felt uncomfortable in the 
(mainly) Bokmål environment at no:. The name displayed in interwiki 
links became "Norsk (nynorsk)" (languages are not spelt with upper case 
in Norwegian). To date it continues to be one of the fastest growing 
wikipedias, with a steady article increase, now at over 6000 articles 
and >50 editors with more than 10 edits since arrival.

== Votes ==

The issue of no:'s language policy has come up time and again, and a 
vote was held in March ([[:no:Wikipedia:Målform]]) as to which policy to 
adapt. Independent of the method of the tally (whether or not to include 
new contributors etc.) there was a majority for switching to a 
Bokmål/Riksmål only language policy (50% for Bokmål/Riksmål, 43.2% for 
Bokmål/Riksmål/Nynorsk/Høgnorsk, and 6.8% for the official variants 
Bokmål/Nynorsk only).

Following this result, there is now going to be a vote on which 
interwiki link name will most appropriately reflect the current language 
policy of no:. The result of this vote will most likely be either "Norsk 
(bokmål)" or "Norsk (bokmål/riksmål)".

Understandably, there has also been a debate as to whether the subdomain 
should change from "no" to "nb", as this is the correct representation 
of Bokmål according to ISO 639-2. However, there is some resentment 
towards such a move and currently a general acceptance in letting the 
Bokmål wikipedia stay at "no". The alternative some have suggested is a 
server-side redirect from "no" to "nb", in the same way that "nb" today 
is a server-side redirect to the equivalent page on "no".

== Summary of the problem ==

Unfortunately, a small group of users (who all write Bokmål/Riksmål) are 
ignoring the results from the vote, and are claiming they want to 
re-establish a wikipedia for all written standards of Norwegian. They 
claim they have been in touch with people centrally in Wikimedia 
(developers? stewards?) and that they have so far received positive 
comments. With this email, we would like to state the fact that there 
have been no official decisions about creating a third Norwegian 
wikipedia containing both Bokmål and Nynorsk, it is merely an unofficial 
initiative from a small group of users which started a sign-on list at 
[[:no:Bruker:Norsk_Wikipedia]]. A spontaneous list with signatures 
against this activity was immediately created at 
[[:no:Wikipedia-diskusjon:Fellesnorsk]]. The process of creating a third 
Norwegian wikipedia has not gone through a voting process in any of the 
two existing Norwegian wikipedias (no: and nn:) and can not be 
considered as a decision by the Norwegian Wikipedia community.

We believe the creation of a third wikipedia under the Wikimedia 
foundation would have a serious and unfortunate impact on the existing 
wikipedias in Norwegian, no: and nn:, and would undermine Wikipedia's 
reputation in Norway. This being said, we are all for extensive co- 
operation between the four Scandinavian language wikipedias (including 
Swedish and Danish), as evident by the recent creation of 
[[:meta:Skanwiki]], the Scandinavian meta-pages, and the use of featured 
articles from neighbour wikipedias.

== Conclusion ==

Hopefully, this letter will help people better understand the 
complicated language situation of the Norwegian Wikipedia community, so 
as to give a background on which discussion can take place on this list 
in the future, such as the inevitable debate following a possible 
request for a re-establishment of the common (and third!) Norwegian 

From the community of and,

Bjarte Sørensen [[:meta:User:BjarteSorensen]] (Administrator/bureaucrat on nn:)
Lars Alvik [[:no:User:Profoss]] (Administrator/bureaucrat on no:)
Øyvind A. Holm [[:no:User:Sunny256]] (Administrator on no:)
Onar Vikingstad [[:no:User:Vikingstad]] (Administrator on no:)
Jon Harald Søby [[:no:User:Jhs]] (Administrator on no:)
Chris Nyborg [[:no:User:Cnyborg]] (Administrator on no:)
Guttorm Flatabø [[:no:User:Dittaeva]] (Administrator on nn:)
Gunleiv Hadland [[:meta:User:Gunnernett]] (Administrator on nn:)
Jarle Fagerheim [[:nn:User:Jarle]] (Administrator on nn:)
Øyvind Jo Heimdal Eik [[:en:User:Pladask]] (Administrator on nn: and no:)
Kristian André Gallis [[:nn:User:Kristaga]]
Vegard Wærp [[:no:User:Vegardw]]
Nina Aldin Thune [[:no:User:Nina]]
Thor-Rune Hansen [[:no:User:ThorRune]]
Claes Tande [[:no:User:Ctande]]
Arnt-Erik Krokaa [[:no:User:AEK]]
Rune Sattler [[:no:User:Shauni]]
  • Var ikke her så jeg fikk signert brevet før det ble sendt, men jeg skriver nå inn navnet mitt her for å vise godvilje :) kurtber 28. apr 2005 kl.21:52 (UTC)


Mark Williamson node.ue at 
Tue Apr 26 00:33:19 UTC 2005 
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If these people really did receive positive reactions, which I'm
doubtful they did, it's because most of the people in charge don't
like having two Wikipedias where there "could" be 1 instead. It is
seen as a tragic division of effort, and no doubt those who were
discussing it with them played down dramatically the actual
differences between Bokmål and Nynorsk.
I also have an opinion regarding no: and nb:.
no: should be moved to nb:, and no: should redirect to nb:.
However, this should eventually be changed so that no: is a portal
containing a link to both, but there should be enough time in between
for people to get sort of used to the new URL, as there was with
"" vs "" for the English Wikipedia. As
with the English Wikipedia, however, actual article requests to no:
such as should automatically be
redirected to the Bokmål article, with perhaps special exceptions when
the title is obviously Nynorsk.
To continue forever to use no: for Bokmål and/or Riksmål is inherently
non-neutral. no: is listed in the ISO standard as "Norwegian", yet if
Nynorsk is disallowed on no: but no: remains at the current subdomain,
that means we are actually endorsing the view that "Bokmål is the
_real_ Norwegian language".
Chris Nyborg Chris.Nyborg at 
Tue Apr 26 08:15:35 UTC 2005 
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> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: wikipedia-l-bounces at [mailto:wikipedia-l-
> bounces at] På vegne av Mark Williamson
> Sendt: 26. april 2005 02:33
> Til: bjarte at; wikipedia-l at
> Emne: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Language policy agreement in the
> NorwegianWikipedia community
> Bjarte,
> If these people really did receive positive reactions, which I'm
> doubtful they did, it's because most of the people in charge don't
> like having two Wikipedias where there "could" be 1 instead. It is
> seen as a tragic division of effort, and no doubt those who were
> discussing it with them played down dramatically the actual
> differences between Bokmål and Nynorsk.
Seems like a good analysis; I would add that it seems likely, from what
they've written on no:, that they have misrepresented the actual
situation. They seem to labour under the misconception that having a
mixed Wikipedia means having one Norwegian Wikipedia, whereas it means
having three, thus creating a further division of effort. 
Their hopes of merging Nynorsk and Bokmål are quite misplaced, and it
seems to be obvious to most users that the losing part in such a merger
would be the Nynorsk users; their Wikipedia is the first modern
encyclopedia in Nynorsk, and thus a great step forward for the Nynorsk
> I also have an opinion regarding no: and nb:.
> no: should be moved to nb:, and no: should redirect to nb:.
> However, this should eventually be changed so that no: is a portal
> containing a link to both, but there should be enough time in between
> for people to get sort of used to the new URL, as there was with
> "" vs "" for the English Wikipedia. As
> with the English Wikipedia, however, actual article requests to no:
> such as should automatically be
> redirected to the Bokmål article, with perhaps special exceptions when
> the title is obviously Nynorsk.
> To continue forever to use no: for Bokmål and/or Riksmål is inherently
> non-neutral. no: is listed in the ISO standard as "Norwegian", yet if
> Nynorsk is disallowed on no: but no: remains at the current subdomain,
> that means we are actually endorsing the view that "Bokmål is the
> _real_ Norwegian language".
I agree, in principle, but I do hope that we can take his slowly. Both
Wikipedias (with the exception of one user) seem to agree that we should
figure out the best way to create a portal before moving. As long as we
have an open dialogue and continue to move towards a portal solution
(perhaps including also the Swedish and Danish Wikipedias in a
Scandinavian portal), I think that all of us would be better served with
a slightly problematic domain name than with a frustrating half-baked
The move from no: to nb: with no: as a redirect to nb: could of course
be made straight away, but I fear that this would all to easily become a
permanent solution, and doesn't really fix the problem; no: would still
equal Bokmål/Riksmål.
Chris Nyborg
Jimmy Wales jwales at 
Sun May 1 02:09:44 UTC 2005 
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Chris Nyborg wrote:
> I agree, in principle, but I do hope that we can take his slowly.
I agree completely with this part... about taking things slowly. :-)
I would say that the analysis given here was excellent and it made me
really happy to read all about it: this is how Wikipedia works when it
is working best: people who don't agree on everything taking the time to
discuss it at great length and try to find a way to accomodate everyone,
and get a sense of the wisest way forward.
Based on this, I don't support the creation of a 3rd wikipedia unless
and until the users who want it are able to build a consensus within the
community that it is a sensible thing to do.
Mark Williamson node.ue at 
Sun May 1 03:07:01 UTC 2005 
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I'm still curious re: Riksmal and Hognorsk.

Chris Nyborg c-nybor at
Sun May 1 22:24:05 UTC 2005

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-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: wikipedia-l-bounces at
[mailto:wikipedia-l-bounces at]På vegne av Mark Williamson
Sendt: 1. mai 2005 05:07
Til: wikipedia-l at
Emne: Re: SV: [Wikipedia-l] Language policy agreement in
theNorwegianWikipedia community

>I'm still curious re: Riksmal and Hognorsk.


Mark, the Bokmål-Wikipedia includes Riksmål. There is an ongoing vote to
decide the name used in language links, which may or may not include
Riksmål; no matter how that turns out, Riksmål is welcomed.

Høgnorsk is still welcomed on nn:; there are only a few hundred users of
Høgnorsk, and although one or two of those found their way to Wikipedia,
there hasn't been any contributions in the last months, as far as I can

I might also add that the accepted policy on no: is to not aggressively go
after articles in Nynorsk and translating them to Bokmål. In fact, several
contributions have been made in Nynorsk after the new language policy was
decided upon, and no one has been yelling about it. It's more a matter of
having the right to translate them if you're a Bokmål or Riksmål user and
want to work on the articles (ensuring first that the Nynorsk version or a
better version exists at nn:), and to use Bokmål/Riksmål for all article
names and Bokmål for category names (it's accepted that categories should be
in the majority form, since redirects don't work for categories). If we can
keep things this way, it won't be as much a ban against Nynorsk on no: as a
guarantee that where a Nynorsk article exists at nn:, there can also be a
Bokmål article at no:.

Chris Nyborg

Mark Williamson node.ue at
Tue May 3 08:05:58 UTC 2005

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People have been telling the new contributors about the Nynorsk
Wikipedia, I hope? It would be a shame to have these people donate
heaps of effort writing articles in Nynorsk for no: when they could be
doing it at nn: where they would fit in better.


On 01/05/05, Chris Nyborg <c-nybor at> wrote:
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: wikipedia-l-bounces at
> [mailto:wikipedia-l-bounces at]På vegne av Mark Williamson
> Sendt: 1. mai 2005 05:07
> Til: wikipedia-l at
> Emne: Re: SV: [Wikipedia-l] Language policy agreement in
> theNorwegianWikipedia community
> >I'm still curious re: Riksmal and Hognorsk.
> >Mark
> Mark, the Bokmål-Wikipedia includes Riksmål. There is an ongoing vote to
> decide the name used in language links, which may or may not include
> Riksmål; no matter how that turns out, Riksmål is welcomed.
> Høgnorsk is still welcomed on nn:; there are only a few hundred users of
> Høgnorsk, and although one or two of those found their way to Wikipedia,
> there hasn't been any contributions in the last months, as far as I can
> tell.
> I might also add that the accepted policy on no: is to not aggressively go
> after articles in Nynorsk and translating them to Bokmål. In fact, several
> contributions have been made in Nynorsk after the new language policy was
> decided upon, and no one has been yelling about it. It's more a matter of
> having the right to translate them if you're a Bokmål or Riksmål user and
> want to work on the articles (ensuring first that the Nynorsk version or a
> better version exists at nn:), and to use Bokmål/Riksmål for all article
> names and Bokmål for category names (it's accepted that categories should be
> in the majority form, since redirects don't work for categories). If we can
> keep things this way, it won't be as much a ban against Nynorsk on no: as a
> guarantee that where a Nynorsk article exists at nn:, there can also be a
> Bokmål article at no:.
> Chris Nyborg
> [[:no:User:Cnyborg]]

Bjarte Sørensen bjarte.sorensen at
Tue May 3 08:24:28 UTC 2005

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On 03/05/05, Mark Williamson wrote:
> People have been telling the new contributors about the Nynorsk
> Wikipedia, I hope? It would be a shame to have these people donate
> heaps of effort writing articles in Nynorsk for no: when they could be
> doing it at nn: where they would fit in better.

As long as somebody enters either nn: or no: via the main page, they
cannot really miss the existance of the other. For some months now, we
have, in order to encourage activity on both Norwegian wikipedias, had
the featured articles of the week from the other wikipedia displayed
on the main page, just below the local featured article. The two
Norwegian wikipedias enjoy an excellent diplomatic and productive
relationship, and there is a general feeling of encouragement of
"cross-Norwegian" activity

Indeed, both nn and no are also showing the featured articles of
Swedish and Danish on the main page, thus including all four major
written varieties of Scandinavian language. Also Danish Wikipedia has
followed suit by rotating through the other three wikipedias' featured
articles on a daily basis. Swedish Wikipedia is as of yet not doing
the same. The work of copying across templates (unfortunately one
cannot at this stage use templates from a different implementation of
MediaWiki) is helped by co-ordination through Skanwiki, the
Scandinavian meta-pages. There you can also find a common Scandinavian
Village Pump (Tinget), links to resources valuable to all Scandinavian
encyclopedists, and proposals for other activities that will encourage
activity across the language borders. If you're Scandinavian, and
wants to come by and see for yourself, your warmly welcomed to

Bjarte (:meta:User:BjarteSorensen)

Bjarte Sørensen bjarte.sorensen at
Tue May 3 08:29:46 UTC 2005

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    * Next message: [Wikipedia-l] Re: Date Formats
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On 03/05/05, Bjarte Sørensen <bjarte.sorensen at> wrote:
> activity across the language borders. If you're Scandinavian, and
> wants to come by and see for yourself, your warmly welcomed to

And of course I want to extend my welcome to Skanwiki also to other
Scandinavian speakers, in Iceland, Greenland, Faeroe Islands and
Finland, as well as other parts of the world.
