
local OrganizeClaims = {}

--- How to order qualifiers for a specific claim
-- These are specific for each property.
local qualOrder = {
	P54 = { 'P580', 'P582' }
--- How to order references for a specific claim
-- These are specific for each property.
local refOrder = {
	P54 = { 'P580', 'P582' }

--- Split the flags and ids in two separate structures
-- @param varargs that are either strings representing flags or ids, or a table of such strings.
-- @return flags identified among the varargs
-- @return ids identified among the varargs
function OrganizeClaims.splitFlagsAndIds( ... )
	local flags = {}
	local ids = {}
	local exist = {}
	for _,v in ipairs( { ... } ) do
		local tpe = type( v )
		if tpe == 'table' then
			local tmpFlags, tmpIds = OrganizeClaims.splitFlagsAndIds( unpack( v ) )
			for k,w in pairs( tmpFlags ) do
				flags[k] = w
			for _,w in ipairs( tmpIds ) do
				if not exist[w] then
					table.insert( ids, w )
					exist[w] = true
		elseif tpe == 'string' then
			if mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( v ) then
				if not exist[v] then
					table.insert( ids, v )
					exist[v] = true
				flags[v] = true
	return flags, ids

--- Buil a hash for redirection during sorting
-- @param ids as a list of identifiers
-- @return redirection as a hash
function OrganizeClaims.buildRedirection( ids )
	local redirection = {}
	for i,v in ipairs( ids ) do
		redirection[v] = i
	return redirection

--- Set order of qualifiers for the claim
-- Changes internal qualifiers-order in the claim.
-- @param claim to be changed
-- @param redirection is a hash used during sorting
-- @param options holds additional configuration
-- @return claim for further chaining
function OrganizeClaims.setQualifiersOrder( claim, redirection, options )
	redirection = redirection or {}
	options = options or { undefined = 999999 }

	if not claim['qualifiers-order'] then -- normally this should be set if there are any qualifiers
		claim['qualifiers-order'] = {}

	local sortFunc = function( a, b ) return (redirection[a] or options['undefined']) < (redirection[b] or options['undefined']) end
	table.sort( claim['qualifiers-order'], sortFunc )
	return claim

--- Set order of references for the claim
-- Changes internal snaks-order in the claim.
-- @param claim to be changed
-- @param redirection is a hash used during sorting
-- @param options holds additional configuration
-- @return claim for further chaining
function OrganizeClaims.setReferencesOrder( claim, redirection, options )
	redirection = redirection or {}
	options = options or { undefined = 999999 }

	for k,v in pairs( claim.references or {} ) do
		if not claim['snaks-order'] then -- normally this should be set if there are any qualifiers
			claim['snaks-order'] = {}
		local sortFunc = function( a, b ) return (redirection[a] or options['undefined']) < (redirection[b] or options['undefined']) end
		table.sort( v['snaks-order'], sortFunc )

	return claim

--- Set order for claims
-- Changes internal qualifiers-order and snaks-order in the claims.
-- @param claims list of claims
-- @param vararg list of flags and ids
-- @return claims for further chaining
function OrganizeClaims.setOrder( claims, ... )
	local flags, ids = OrganizeClaims.splitFlagsAndIds( ... )
	local qualifiersRedirection = nil
	local referencesRedirection = nil
	local options = {}

	options['undefined'] = ((flags['qualifier-undef-first'] or flags['udf'] or flags['undef-first']) and -999999)
		or ((flags['qualifier-undef-last'] or flags['udl'] or flags['undef-last']) and 999999)
		or 999999 -- this is the default, and must be set unless undefined properties will make the code fail in the else clause

	if flags['qualifier-system-order'] or flags['qso'] or flags['system-order'] then
		qualifiersRedirection = mw.wikibase.getPropertyOrder()
	elseif flags['qualifier-library-order'] or flags['qlo'] or flags['library-order'] then
		qualifiersRedirection = OrganizeClaims.buildRedirection( qualOrder[] or ids )
		qualifiersRedirection = OrganizeClaims.buildRedirection( ids )
	if flags['reference-system-order'] or flags['rso'] or flags['system-order'] then
		referencesRedirection = mw.wikibase.getPropertyOrder()
	elseif flags['reference-library-order'] or flags['rlo'] or flags['library-order'] then
		referencesRedirection = OrganizeClaims.buildRedirection( refOrder[] or ids )
		referencesRedirection = OrganizeClaims.buildRedirection( ids )
	local setQualifiers = flags['qualifiers']
		or flags['qualifier-system-order'] or flags['qso']
		or flags['qualifier-library-order'] or flags['qlo']
	local setReferences = flags['references']
		or flags['reference-system-order'] or flags['rso']
		or flags['reference-library-order'] or flags['rlo']

	for _,claim in ipairs( claims ) do
		if setQualifiers then
			OrganizeClaims.setQualifiersOrder( claim, qualifiersRedirection, options )
		if setReferences then
			OrganizeClaims.setReferencesOrder( claim, referencesRedirection, options )

	return claims

function OrganizeClaims.render( claims, ... )
	local flags, ids = OrganizeClaims.splitFlagsAndIds( ... )

return OrganizeClaims