
Base testing

No Title. No Date. df=nil
Title. No Date. df=nil
No Title. Date. df=nil
Title. Date. df=nil
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20160801000000 |title=Page title}}
  • Page title hos Wayback Machine (arkivert 1. august 2016).

Date tests

Month names
Date is less than 14 characters
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20160801 |title=Page title}}
  • Page title hos Wayback Machine (arkivert 1. august 2016).
Date is less than 4 characters
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=201 |title=Page title}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Should be 14-digit snapshot ID in form YYYYMMDDhhmmss (error code 2)
Date is year and month only
Date is year only
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=2015 |title=Page title}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Date has invalid day or month. (error code 4)
Title. Date. nolink=<empty>
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20160801000000 |title=Page title |nolink=}}
  • Page title hos Wayback Machine (arkivert 1. august 2016).
Title. Date. nolink=yes
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20160801000000 |title=Page title |nolink=yes}}
  • Page title hos Wayback Machine (arkivert 1. august 2016).

DF argument

No Title. No Date. df=yes
Title. No Date. df=yes
No Title. Date. df=yes
Title. Date. df=yes
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20160801000000 |title=Page title |df=yes}}
  • Page title hos Wayback Machine (arkivert 1. august 2016).

Test positional arguments

No Title. No Date. df=nil
Title. No Date. df=nil
No Title. Date. df=nil
Title. Date. df=nil

Test of error reporting

No Title. No Date. url x2 archive
  • {{Wayback |url=}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |url= value. Should be the original URL not an URL.
Title. No Date. url missing
  • {{Wayback |url=|title=Page title}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |url= value. Empty.
No Title. Date. date wrong format
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=May 16, 2016}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Should be 14-digit snapshot ID in form YYYYMMDDhhmmss (error code 1)
No Title. Date. date wrong month
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20161301000000}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Date has invalid day or month. (error code 4)
No Title. Date. date wrong day
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20161232000000}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Date has invalid day or month. (error code 4)
No Title. Date. Zero day
No Title. Date. Zero month
  • {{Wayback |url= |date=20150001000000}}
  • Error in wayback template: Check |date= value. Date has invalid day or month. (error code 4)