

This template presents version history tables in a standardized format.

Many articles on Wikipedia use color-coded tables to illustrate the version or release history of software. The template has been imported from German Wikipedia, where it is used as the current standard for color-coding history tables.

This template is used within Wikitables, making use of the pipe syntax. Legends can be added as tables, as floating or non-floating containers. As colors are not visible to blind or visually-impaired readers, this template uses replacement information when necessary to improve accessibility, e.g. using the "title" attribute. (See Wikipedia:WikiProject Accessibility.)

When creating a version history, please note that less is more: Wikipedia is not a directory or changelog. Only important or major releases should be documented in Wikipedia. See the Manual of Style for Computing topics for further guidelines.

Generell utseende

Versjon År Beskrivelse
Gammel versjon som ikke blir oppdatert: 1.0 2010 EOL versions
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert: 2.0 2011 LTS versions
Nyeste utgave: 3.0 2012 Current stable version
Fremtidig utgivelse: 4.0 2025 Future release
Gammel versjon
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert
Nyeste utgave
Nyeste testutgivelse
Fremtidig utgivelse

Når skal malen ikke brukes

Discontinued products
For a product that is neither supported nor developed, each version would have the "EOL versions" description. Since no distinction would exist between version stages, the use of this template would lack any basis. A simple sentence or a |discontinued=yes in the infobox would do admirably well.
When there is always one stable supported version
When there are no supported previous versions, preview versions, or announced future versions, the entire table would consist of red versions with a single green one at the very end. In such cases, the use of this template is discouraged.



Legend box

Parameter Description Notes
1 Legend type Either of the following generates a legend box. Acceptable values include:
l: Horizontal legend
lv: Vertical legend
t: Horizontal legend, as a table
tv: Vertical legend, as a table
show Legend contents This parameter is optional. By default the legend box contains the following six items:
  1. Legend: (appears bold when the legend type is either "l", "lv", or "t")
  2. EOL versions
  3. LTS versions
  4. Current version (appears bold)
  5. Latest preview version
  6. Future release

This parameter allows each item to be displayed or hidden with digits. Each digit controls the state of its associated item in the above list.
Acceptable digits are "1" (displays the associated legend item) and "0" (hides the associated legend item).
The parameter is "show=XXX" where "XXX" is:

  • a six-digit number when the legend type is either "l" or "lv"
  • a five-digit number when the legend type is either "t" or "tv" because the first item ("Legend:") cannot be hidden.

Additional digits on the left are ignored.

style CSS styles This parameter is optional. Use it to change the template's formatting, style and layout via CSS syntax.

In combination with the legend the specified CSS applies to the entire block.


Parameter Description Notes
1 Data type Either of the following change the background color of the cell in which it is inserted:
o: Denotes EOL versions
co: Denotes LTS versions
c: Denotes latest stable version
cp: Denotes preview version
p: Denotes planned future version
2 Text Specifies the text to display on screen, usually a version number or name of a specific version.
style CSS styles This parameter is optional. Use it to change the template's formatting, style and layout via CSS syntax.

This parameter can be inserted into a table cell to enforce CSS definitions in that cell.

sortKey Sorting key This parameter is optional. A sortkey is an invisible string used to change the way a certain table cell is sorted. For instance, normally, the phrase "ACME's Bow" is sorted with phrases that start with A. Affixing a sortkey of "Bow" to the phrase causes the phrase to be sorted with other phrases that start with "B" (or, to be more accurate, with "Bow").

For general information on sorting tables, see Help:Tables.


Dette er TemplateData-dokumentasjonen for malen, som brukes av VisualEditor og andre verktøy.


Ingen beskrivelse.


Ingen parametre ble angitt



Legend box

Description What you type What it looks like
Horizontal legend
{{Version |l |show=110111}}
Gammel versjon
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert
Nyeste utgave
Nyeste testutgivelse
Fremtidig utgivelse
Vertical legend
{{Version |lv |show=011101}}
Gammel versjon
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert
Nyeste utgave
Nyeste testutgivelse
Fremtidig utgivelse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Horizontal legend table
{{Version |t |show=11110}}
Farger: Gammel versjon som ikke blir oppdatert Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert Nyeste utgave Nyeste testutgivelse Fremtidig utgivelse
Vertical legend table
{{Version |tv |show=01111}}
Gammel versjon som ikke blir oppdatert
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert
Nyeste utgave
Nyeste testutgivelse
Fremtidig utgivelse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Table cells

Description What you type What it looks like
EOL versions
{{Version |o |1.0}}
Gammel versjon som ikke blir oppdatert: 1.0
LTS versions
{{Version |co |2.0}}
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert: 2.0
Latest stable version
{{Version |c |3.0}}
Nyeste utgave: 3.0
Preview version
{{Version |cp |4.0}}
Nyeste testutgivelse: 4.0
Planned future version
{{Version |p |5.0}}
Fremtidig utgivelse: 5.0

Sorterbare tabeller


The template can be used in sortable tables. If the column version is sortable, the sort key defaults to the value of the version parameter. If you need differing sorting, add the sortKey parameter as follows:

What you type What it looks like
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Version !! Date !! Description
| {{Version  |o  |1.0    |sortKey=1.0}}
| 2010-07-23 || [[end-of-life (product)|EOL]] versions
| {{Version  |co |2.0    |sortKey=2.0}}
| 2011-06-27 || [[long-term support|LTS]] versions
| {{Version  |cp |3.0 DP |sortKey=3.0 A}}
| 2012-03-02 || Developer's preview
| {{Version  |cp |3.0 CP |sortKey=3.0 B}}
| 2012-04-01 || Consumers Preview
| {{Version  |cp |3.0 RC |sortKey=3.0 C}}
| 2012-05-25 || Release candidate
| {{Version  |c  |3.0    |sortKey=3.0 Z}}
| 2012-06-23 || Release to web
| {{Version  |p  |4.0    |sortKey=4.0}}
| 2017-09-06 || Future version
Version Date Description
Gammel versjon som ikke blir oppdatert: 1.0 2010-07-23 EOL versions
Gammel versjon som fortsatt blir oppdatert: 2.0 2011-06-27 LTS versions
Nyeste testutgivelse: 3.0 DP 2012-03-02 Developer's preview
Nyeste testutgivelse: 3.0 CP 2012-04-01 Consumers Preview
Nyeste testutgivelse: 3.0 RC 2012-05-25 Release candidate
Nyeste utgave: 3.0 2012-06-23 Release to web
Fremtidig utgivelse: 4.0 2017-09-06 Future version

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