
(Omdirigert fra «Longdang»)

Longtang (kinesisk: 弄堂, pinyin: lòngtang, shanghainesisk: longdang) er tradisjonelle gatesmaufellesskap i Shanghai.[1] De kalles også lilong.

Inngang fra hovedgate til en longtang i Shanghai

Som med Beijing-uttrykket hutong, kan Shanghais longtang enten sikte til smuget som knytter sammen husene, eller selve husgruppene langs smuget.[2][3][4][5]


  1. ^ Frommer's Shanghai Day By Day - Page 162 Graham Bond - 2011 1912 "1917 China's first shopping mall, the Sincere Department Store, Lilong, or Longtang Li means “neighborhood,” and long means “alley.”"
  2. ^ Walking between slums and skyscrapers: illusions of open space in ... - Page 160 Tsung-yi Michelle Huang - 2004 "Shanghainese call lilong, their characteristic residential design, as longtang. "Long" means alley or lane and "tang" parlor or hall. "All houses are facing the lanes and lanes become the public space used by all residents. Enclosed, the whole ...
  3. ^ Postsocialism and Cultural Politics: China in the Last Decade of ... - Page 196 Xudong Zhang - 2008 "As long means a lane and tang the front room of a house, longtang either refers to a lane that connects houses or a group of houses connected by lanes. Longtang however might not be so explicit as lilong for the li in lilong means ..."
  4. ^ Narrating Architecture: A Retrospective Anthology Page 474 James Madge, Andrew Peckham - 2006 "Four sketches by Feng Zikai of Shanghai's alley life: clockwise from top left: lowering a basket down to the alley to purchase ... these activities were certainly not considered in the original design of the lilong, but were gradually introduced in the practice of everyday life within the community. A local writer, Shen Shanzeng, has named this special way of living as 'life in the alley' (long-tang ren-sheng)."
  5. ^ Cities Surround The Countryside: Urban Aesthetics in Postsocialist ... - Page 320 Robin Visser - 2010 "Chunlan Zhao refers to the generalization that Shanghai without its longtang is no longer Shanghai, in From ... archway; li means neighborhood; long (or nong, in Shanghai dialect) means alley. ... The earliest lilong compound resembled the lifang residential ward in imperial capitals, but instead of being enclosed by ..."