Liste over presidentene for Saint Vincent og Grenadinenes forsamlingshus


Presidenten for Saint Vincent og Grenadinenes forsamlingshus (engelsk: Speaker of the House of Assembly of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) er leder for parlamentet.

Navn Embetstid
Presidenter for Det lovgivende råd
Newton S. Nanton 1961
Emanuel Fatima Adams 1962–1966
Forsamlingshusets presidenter
Othniel Rudolph Sylvester 1966–1967
Charles St. Clair Dacon 1967–1972
Joseph Lambert Eustace 1972–1974
Arthur Theophilus Woods 1975–1979
Edward Alexander Clavier Hughes 1979–1981
Dennie Wilson 1982–1984
Olin J.B. Dennie 1984–1985
L.A. Douglas Williams 1985–1989
Emanuel Fatima Adams 1989 – 1991
Montgomery Maule 1991 – 1998
Nolwyn McDowall 1998–2001
Hendrick Alexander 2001–2015
Jomo Sanga Thomas 2015–2019
Carlos James 2019–

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