Diskusjon:Slaget i Bergen 1181

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The right battle?



I would like to know what are the main lines of this battle. I've some info in the sagas and on the net about a "battle of Nordnes" in May 1181 where Magnus was coming back from Denmark and Sverre was sailing towards Viken. As Sverre had less longships he go back in Bergen and won a battle even if it was not a great victory.

Is it the same battle than the one on this article? If its not, i ask myself why there is not article about the battle of may 1181 on the wiki NO...

I'm asking that because i'm trying to do the best article as possible about my favourite city, Bergen, on the french wiki. And because i'm curious, of course ;)

I'll be back from time to time on this page to see the answers.

This is the french article, i could say that i'm quite proud of it, its my little baby! Its still under construction btw, i have to put many more things.


I'm not logged here but my nick in the french wiki is Saty

Yes, it seem to be the same battle as described in the English page Sverresborg where it is stated: «The two forces met again in 1181 in the Battle of Nordnes which resulted in a minor victory for Sverre.» This battle don't seemed to be very historically important. It’s about a peasant rebellion who tries to surprise king Sverre’s men during the night, but get discovered and they are slaughtered. This is from the time of civil war and unrest in Norway. Magnus was not part of this battle, but headed for Viken (Oslo) from Denmark.
About the question why there are not a certain article here, well - we are working on expanding Norwegian Wikipedia, and some more important history pages have just been written, but give us time... --Finn Bjørklid 8. nov 2006 kl. 02:42 (CET)

Thank you for your answer but i don't understand everything...

In the Sverre saga especially § 54 and 55 is about a "Battle of Nordnes", May 31th 1181, and what i said above (Magnus coming to bergen, etc).

That say that Magnus was here as i sum it above...

I did look again the saga right now and I found that, look § 49 and 50. Maybe this is your peasant rebellion as its in 1181 and before Nordnes.

Maybe the second link shows the peasant rebellion? It seems to be what you was talking about and seems to be in 1181 but before Nordnes battle.

You'll probably be able to light my mind now... the Norwegian article "Slaget I bergen 1181" is about the battle you was mentionning about the peasant rebellion, right?

Tell me what you think :)

About the articles it was not criticism, but as i was a bit "lost" into that battles and so on I tought the "battle of Nordnes" was important and didn't find something like that her ;).

Thx for the help Takk


Saty! I am not the writer of the article and have only tried proof-read it, and, I am sorry to say, not actually checked the facts, But, just in haste it seem like the battle of Nordnes happened in 31 may 1181, and this article was just strife on the same spot 24 February 1181. That could be the answer. If you read King Sverri's visit to Bergen. Rising of the Yeomen of Hordaland 1181, chapter 49 at http://www.northvegr.org/lore/sverri/008.php you get most of the same thing in English.
I do agree that some of our historical articles are still very poor and our article about king Sverre is a disaster, but hopefully we will be able to improve them soon. --Finn Bjørklid 9. nov 2006 kl. 10:32 (CET)

Don't be sorry, thanks for the help :) Saty

Mal opprydning


Har nå satt opp et par referanser til selve slaget og hvordan det er beskrevet i Sverres saga. Har også luket ut litt av det mest poetiske språket i avsnittet om slaget. Men hele artikkelen er preget av å være skrevet med et krigsromantisk og dramatisk språk som ikke passer i en wiki-artikkel. Mange av påstandene er også rene spekulasjoner fra brukeren som har forfattet artikkelen. Setter derfor opp en opprydnings-mal frem til jeg eller noen andre får tid til å rydde opp i det. Mvh --IdaScott (diskusjon) 26. sep. 2016 kl. 15:59 (CEST)Svar

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