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Endret eksterne lenker


Jeg har nettopp endret 1 ekstern(e) lenke(r) i artikkelen Koranen. Sjekk gjerne at endringen min er OK. Hvis du ønsker at jeg skal ignorere disse lenkene eller hele siden, eller hvis du har andre spørsmål, se denne spørsmålssiden. Jeg har gjort følgende endringer:

Med hilsen—InternetArchiveBot (Rapporter feil) 22. jul. 2018 kl. 10:42 (CEST)Svar

Answer to your email.


Copy of my answer to your email dated today:


Dette var helt usaklig av noen i din posisjon. Jeg «liker ikke dem»? Hva vet du om meg?

You accuse me of not liking Sjia and Bahai in your email! How is that relevant, and on what basis do you say that even? Do you even know anything about me so that you take this down to Aurora personal level?

You do not see the point obviously! I have suggested many times in my previous messages that this should be web page about Quran and only Quran!

You not only block me from editing without any resson, but you also take out what my corrections and keep the wrong info that was and still is written om the page. When you put again «Bahai» in the first line in the article in what is supposed to be the introduction to Quran then it is you that is favoring someone over all others, and consequently building up and facilitating grudges on Wikipedia.

Whetherthis is intended from your side or not that is besides the point! What is important is that this is what you do. And using a conservative christian newspaper «vårt land»as a reference in an article about Quran is not the most no unbiesed thing anyone would say!   Was this a good example since you asked for examples?

How about that «last versionof Quran came in 1924» how is this right info? How about many other wrong pieces of info about how Quran without any reference in the article? How about the way Quran is read as the article goes?

The main thing i my correction was to verses from Quran, about Quran. This was of course deleted by you. What more reference is needed?

I think it would be wise of you to di the right thing and unblock me and put my corrections online.

I can really go in detail here, nonetheless, I suggest that we do the wright thing here.

I wrote this in English on purpose så that other unbiased parts get an idea of what is happening here.

Looking forward to you taking the right choices according to Wikipedias guide lines! And to the Norwegian Constitution nonetheless!

Best regards Adam Olabi Adamolabi (diskusjon) 19. apr. 2020 kl. 12:49 (CEST)Svar

Endret eksterne lenker


Jeg har nettopp endret 1 ekstern(e) lenke(r) i artikkelen Koranen. Sjekk gjerne at endringen min er OK. Hvis du ønsker at jeg skal ignorere disse lenkene eller hele siden, eller hvis du har andre spørsmål, se denne spørsmålssiden. Jeg har gjort følgende endringer:

Med hilsen—InternetArchiveBot (Rapporter feil) 22. nov. 2023 kl. 20:43 (CET)Svar

Tilbake til siden «Koranen».