Diskusjon:Invincible Spirit

Angående hvor øvelsen opprinnelig skulle ha funnet sted


I artikkelen skrives det at øvelsen opprinnelig skulle ha funnet sted i Vesthavet, men artikkelen jeg linker til under påstår noe annet:

They also echoed comments made by high-ranking U.S. officials over the past week, who insisted that the exercise was not staged in the Sea of Japan because of concerns expressed by Chinese officials, who made clear they did not want it in the Yellow Sea, on the west side of the peninsula and near China’s eastern waters. “We reserve the right to operate in international waters anywhere in the world … in the future,” Cloyd said, insisting the exercise was never going to be in the Yellow Sea. “We never moved the exercises.” kilde Dette usignerte innlegget ble skrevet av (diskusjon · bidrag) (Husk å signere dine innlegg!)

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