En dessertskje er en skje med passende størrelse for å spise dessert. Størrelsen på skjen er vanligvis 10 ml, en mellomting mellom en spiseskje (som er 15 ml) og en teskje (som er 5 ml).[1]

Bruken av dessertskjeer rundt om i verden varierer veldig. I noen områder er de svært vanlige, mens andre steder brukes det mest gaffel og teskje. I de fleste tradisjonelle kuverter plasseres dessertskjeen ovenfor tallerkenen, atskilt fra resten av bestikket, eller den kan bringes inn til bordet sammen med desserten.[2]


  1. ^ «On the Offensive (washingtonpost.com)». www.washingtonpost.com. 13. mars 2005. Besøkt 13. desember 2021. «Dear Miss Manners: Could you kindly answer how one properly eats a baked apple? Is it cut with fork and knife or with spoon? | A properly baked apple is so ready to surrender that Miss Manners would consider attacking it with a knife to be cruel use of excessive force. | The standard implements for dessert, a fork and spoon, are exactly what you need, as the side of the fork easily cuts the weakened skin of the apple and the spoon deals with the squishy part. At least these implements are supposed to be standard. Miss Manners will overlook the substitution of a salad fork for a dessert fork, provided you do not try to pass off a teaspoon as a dessert spoon. Where that habit came from she cannot imagine, but a dessert spoon must be larger, and the only passable substitution would be an oval soup spoon.» 
  2. ^ Christison, Robert; University of Glasgow. Library; University of Glasgow. Library (1842). A dispensatory, or commentary on the pharmacopoeias of Great Britain [electronic resource] : comprising the natural history, description, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, uses, and doses of the articles of the materia medica. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black. 

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