Al-Noor-moskéen i Christchurch

Al-Noor-moskéen (arabisk: مسجد النور, Masjid al-Noor) er en sunni-islamsk moské i forstaden Christchurch av byen RiccartonNew Zealand.[1] Bygningen ledes av Muslim Association of Canterbury (MAC).[2][3] I 2014 og 2015, meldte den lokale pressen at forsamlingens medlemmer angivelig hadde blitt radikalisert ved moskéen.[4] I 2015 hadde moskéen 550 medlemmer.[4] Al-Noor-moskéen var det primære mål for moskéangrepet på New Zealand 2019 den 15. mars 2019.


  1. ^ «Mosques and Islamic schools in Canterbury, New Zealand». Salatomatic. Zabihah LLC. Besøkt 19. august 2019. «Masjid An-Nur
    101 Deans Avenue, Riccarton, Canterbury
  2. ^ «Media Must Play a Positive Role in Bringing Communities Together: Imam Gamal of Masjid Al Noor, Christchurch». Migrant Times. Christchurch, NZ. 4. september 2016. «This mosque – Masjid Al Noor – is managed by MAC.» 
  3. ^ Kolig, Erich (2009). New Zealand's Muslims and Multiculturalism. Brill. s. 33. ISBN 978-90-474-4070-3. «The Canterbury Muslim Association (MAC) was established in Christchurch in 1977 … and was able to build a mosque … in 1985. In recent years, for a while, it was seriously disrupted by internal wrangling over the management of the mosque and centre.» 
  4. ^ a b Matthewson, Nicole (3. desember 2015). «Fighting, Killing 'Not the Muslim Way'». The Press. Christchurch, NZ. «Jackson, of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies … said … 'Just because they were attending a mosque at the time, doesn't mean the mosque was connected.' … Morris, a specialist in world religions, said … 'It creates an opportunity for these issues to be raised and addressed.'»