Ptomaphaginus er en slekt av mycelbiller som særlig finnes knyttet til sopp og åtsler.
Ptomaphaginus | |||
Nomenklatur | |||
Ptomaphaginus Portevin, 1914 | |||
Populærnavn | |||
mycelbiller[1] | |||
Klassifikasjon | |||
Rike | Dyr | ||
Rekke | Leddyr | ||
Klasse | Insekter | ||
Orden | Biller | ||
Underorden | Polyphaga | ||
Familie | Mycelbiller | ||
Økologi | |||
Antall arter: | ca. 100 | ||
Habitat: | på land, ofte i huler | ||
Utbredelse: | Asia | ||
Inndelt i | |||
redigerSmå (2–4 millimeter), halvmatte, mørkbrunlige mycelbiller, kroppsformen nærmest dråpeformet med lange bein. Antennene er litt kølleformede og 11-leddete. De fem ytterste leddene danner en avlang klubbe, men det åttende leddet er mye mindre enn de andre og er vanligvis forkortet til en liten skive. Hodet er oftest kraftig innskåret bak fasettøynene, med en smal hals, men dette kan være vanskelig å se da billene gjerne trekker hodet inn under brystskjoldet. Hannen har utvidete føtter på forbeina.
redigerDe fleste av artene lever i huler eller nede i jorda, og er gjerne blinde.
redigerDe aller fleste av artene er utbredt i Sørøst-Asia.
Systematisk inndeling
- Ordenen biller, Coleoptera
- Underordenen Polyphaga
- Overfamilien åtsel- og rovbiller, Staphylinoidea
- Familien mycelbiller, Leiodidae Fleming, 1821
- Underfamilien kadaverbiller, Cholevinae
- Stammen Ptomaphagini
- Slekten Ptomaphaginus Portevin, 1914
- Stammen Ptomaphagini
- Underfamilien kadaverbiller, Cholevinae
- Familien mycelbiller, Leiodidae Fleming, 1821
- Overfamilien åtsel- og rovbiller, Staphylinoidea
- Underordenen Polyphaga
Liste over artene
rediger- Ptomaphaginus agostii Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008[2]
- Ptomaphaginus alabensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018[3]
- Ptomaphaginus anas Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus angusticornis (Portevin, 1921)
- Ptomaphaginus apiculatus Szymczakowski, 1975
- Ptomaphaginus assimilis Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus baliensis Perreau, 1995
- Ptomaphaginus bengalicola Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus bryanti Jeannel, 1936
- Ptomaphaginus bryantioides Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus bucculentus Szymczakowski, 1974
- Ptomaphaginus burckhardti Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus caroli Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus chapmani Peck, 1981 [4]
- Ptomaphaginus cherrapunjeensis Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus cilipes (Portevin, 1907)
- Ptomaphaginus clibanarius Szymczakowski, 1970
- Ptomaphaginus coronatus Szymczakowski, 1974
- Ptomaphaginus dao Perkovsky, 2001
- Ptomaphaginus depequkri Perreau, 1986
- Ptomaphaginus flavicornis (Motschulsky, 1863)
- Ptomaphaginus fornicatus Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus franki Perreau, 1993
- Ptomaphaginus geigenmuellerae Perreau, 1993
- Ptomaphaginus giachinoi Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus gibberosus Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus giganteus Szymczakowski, 1980
- Ptomaphaginus gonbe Nishikawa & Hayashi, 2016[5]
- Ptomaphaginus gracilis Schweiger, 1956
- Ptomaphaginus grandis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus guangxiensis Wang & Zhou, 2015[6]
- Ptomaphaginus gutianshanicus Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus hamatus Szymczakowski, 1975
- Ptomaphaginus hanskii Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus heterotrichus Szymczakowski, 1975
- Ptomaphaginus honestus Szymczakowski, 1964
- Ptomaphaginus isabellarosselini Schilthuizen, Njunjić & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus ishizuchiensis Perreau, 1996
- Ptomaphaginus jacobsoni Szymczakowski, 1964
- Ptomaphaginus kinabaluensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus kinabatanganensis Njunjić, Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus kosiensis Perreau, 1988
- Ptomaphaginus kurbatovi Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus lacertosus Szymczakowski, 1970
- Ptomaphaginus laticornis Jeannel, 1936
- Ptomaphaginus latimanus Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus latipes (Pic, 1929)
- Ptomaphaginus layangensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus leucodon Szymczakowski, 1975
- Ptomaphaginus lipsae Perreau & Lemaire, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus loeblianus Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus longitarsis Portevin, 1914
- Ptomaphaginus louis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus luoi Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus major Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus marshalli Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus megalayanus Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus microphallus Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus minimus Perreau, 1998
- Ptomaphaginus mirabilis Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus miyataorum Nishikawa, 2017
- Ptomaphaginus muluensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus murphyi Szymczakowski, 1970
- Ptomaphaginus nanus Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus newtoni Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus nipponensis Perreau, 1996
- Ptomaphaginus nitens Jeannel, 1936
- Ptomaphaginus obtusus Szymczakowski, 1959
- Ptomaphaginus okinawaensis Hoshina & Sugaya, 2003
- Ptomaphaginus oribates Szymczakowski, 1965
- Ptomaphaginus pallidicornis (Portevin, 1907)
- Ptomaphaginus palpalis Szymczakowski, 1974
- Ptomaphaginus palpaloides Perreau, 1988
- Ptomaphaginus pecki Perkovsky, 1995
- Ptomaphaginus perreaui Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus pilipennis Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus pilipennoides Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus pingtungensis Perreau, 1996
- Ptomaphaginus piraster Szymczakowski, 1975
- Ptomaphaginus portevini Szymczakowski, 1964
- Ptomaphaginus quadricalcarus Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus riedeli Perreau, 1995
- Ptomaphaginus rubidus (Champion, 1927)
- Ptomaphaginus rufus Jeannel, 1936
- Ptomaphaginus rugosus Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus ruzickai Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus sabahensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus sarawacensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus sauteri (Portevin, 1914)
- Ptomaphaginus scaber Szymczakowski, 1964
- Ptomaphaginus scaphaner Szymczakowski, 1972
- Ptomaphaginus schawalleri Perreau, 1992
- Ptomaphaginus shennongensis Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus shibatai Hayashi, 1969
- Ptomaphaginus similipes Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2008
- Ptomaphaginus similis Schweiger, 1956
- Ptomaphaginus sinuatus Schilthuizen, 1984
- Ptomaphaginus smetanai Perreau, 1988
- Ptomaphaginus takaosanus Nakane, 1982
- Ptomaphaginus takashii Nishikawa, 2017
- Ptomaphaginus tarsalis Szymczakowski, 1964
- Ptomaphaginus testaceus Schilthuizen & Perreau, 2018
- Ptomaphaginus thieleni Perreau, 1993
- Ptomaphaginus tomellerii Zoia, 1997
- Ptomaphaginus trautneri Perreau, 1993
- Ptomaphaginus troglodytes Perreau & Růžička, 2018[7]
- Ptomaphaginus truncatus Perreau, 1988
- Ptomaphaginus turensis Perreau, 1991
- Ptomaphaginus wenboi Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus wuzhishanicus Wang & Zhou, 2015
- Ptomaphaginus yaeyamaensis Hoshina & Sugaya, 2003
- Ptomaphaginus yui Wang & Zhou, 2015
rediger- ^ «Artsdatabankens artsopplysninger». Artsdatabanken. 12. november 2020. Besøkt 12. november 2020.
- ^ Schilthuizen, Menno & Michel Perreau (2008). New species and new records of Ptomaphaginus Portevin from the Sunda region, Southeast Asia (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae). Zoologische Mededelingen 82 (1): 189-210.
- ^ Schilthuizen, Menno, Michel Perreau & Iva Njunjić (2018) A review of the Cholevinae from the island of Borneo (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). ZooKeys 777: 57-108.
- ^ Peck, Stewart B (1981). «A new cave‐inhabiting Ptomaphaginus beetle from Sarawak». Systematic Entomology. 6 (2): 221–224. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.1981.tb00436.x.
- ^ Nishikawa, M. & Y. Hayashi (2016) A new Ptomaphaginus (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan. Elytra, (N.S.) 6 (2): 347-351.
- ^ Wang, Cheng-Bin & Hong-Zhang Zhou (2015) Taxonomy of the genus Ptomaphaginus Portevin (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from China, with description of eleven new species. Zootaxa 3941 (3): 301-338.
- ^ Perreau, Michel; Růžička, Jan (2018). «Ptomaphaginus troglodytes sp. n., the first anophthalmic species of Ptomaphaginina from China». ZooKeys (749): 135–147. PMC 5904491 . PMID 29674925. doi:10.3897/zookeys.749.24964.
redigerEksterne lenker
rediger- (en) Ptomaphaginus i Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- (en) Ptomaphaginus hos NCBI
- (en) Kategori:Ptomaphaginus – bilder, video eller lyd på Wikimedia Commons
- Ptomaphaginus – detaljert informasjon på Wikispecies