{{{1}}}.onion Tor network(Accessing link help)


Dokumentasjon fra en-wp:

To be used to provide Tor/Onion links, analogously to {{URL}}. Provide the domain name, without .onion, as the first parameter.

You can use this template in two forms, depending on whether you have whitelisted the .onion domain.

  • For most onion sites, which are automatically blacklisted, use {{Onion URL|facebookcorewwwi}} produces:
    facebookcorewwwi.onion Tor network(Accessing link help)
  • For onion sites where you've obtained a whitelist exemption, you may use {{Onion URL|facebookcorewwwi|whitelisted=yes}} which produces:
    facebookcorewwwi.onion Tor network(Accessing link help)

Mal:Onion blacklist warning

See also


Mal:Sandbox other