Diskusjon:Three Men in a Boat

Eksterne lenker går over min tekniske viten. Hvis de ikke skal brukes, er sletting, inklusive dette budskap helt OK. * [[To Say Nothing of the Dog]] ==External links== * ISBN 0-14-062133-4 ([[Penguin Books|Penguin Classics]] edition) * {{gutenberg|no=308|name=Three Men in a Boat}} * [http://peterbraden.co.uk/threemeninaboat.html A more readable html version] * [http://www.imdb.com/find?q=three%20men%20in%20a%20boat;s=all IMDb Search] * [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1074248175740787653 2005 version — David Gilmour as a special guest on Google Video] * [http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Board=EarthTravel&Number=496126&Searchpage=1&Main=496126&Words=+jrleighton&topic=&Search=true#Post496126 Fly the journey yourself along the Thames, using Google Earth]

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